I am an employee
Your internship can be 100% funded by:
– The OPCO (Skills Operator)
The OPCO offers a full range of solutions suitable for companies, a professional branch or an individual.
– The Regional Council
Contact your regional advisor
I am job seeker
If you wish to obtain a dematerialized AIF quote and you already have a Jobseeker ID with Pôle Emploi, simply contact us by email: laurie@lauriefeligioni-makeup.eu
We will draw up a personalized AIF quote for you, which we will send directly to your personal Pôle Emploi interface via the KAIROS application. Once the AIF estimate has been validated in your interface, the request for support from your Pôle Emploi adviser will be taken into account.
Votre formation peut-être financée par l’AFDAS : pour tous les professionnels de la culture, des industries créatives, des médias, de la communication, des télécommunications, du sport, du tourisme et des loisirs (divertissements). Et si vous êtes intermittents du spectacles.
I am a disabled worker
You can obtain funding from the following aids: Pôle Emploi, Cap Emploi or Agefiph.
I am between 18 and 25 years old
You can obtain funding from the following aids: Pôle Emploi, Cap Emploi or Agefiph.
Contact the Local Mission for personalized help.
I am a private individual
Your status does not allow the support of online training? We offer easy payment. Pay on the website in cash or in installments.
Laurie Feligioni et son équipe vous répondent sous 24 à 48 heures.